This flower arrangement is a mixture of white roses, white statice and eucalyptus. It comes with a beautiful hand-tied glass… -
This flower bouquet is a mixture pink lyssianthus, lilac climatis, matricaria and greenbell. -
This flower arrangement is a mixture of double coloured roses, red limonium and eucalyptus. It comes with a beautiful hand… -
This flower bouquet is a mixture of ten kahala roses and ten light pink roses combined with eucalyptus. -
This flower arrangement is a mixture of pink hydrenghea, pink lisianthus and lilac lisianthus. -
Spring Vibes
This flower bouquet is a mixture of lilac chrysanthemum and yellow solidagos. It comes with a beautiful hand-tied glass vase. -
Spring Vibes .2
This flower bouquet is a mixture of lilac chrysanthemum and yellow solidagos. -