This flower bouquet is a mixture of mixed hydrenghea, pink lisianthus, lilac lisianthus and autumn leaves. -
Bohemian Rhapsody
This flower arrangement is a mixture of peach calla lily, blue delphinium, white lisi and eucalyptus. It comes with a… -
Bromelia Vriesea
Vrieseas are very popular for their spectacular and long-lasting flower spikes. -
Calla Passion
This bouquet is a mixture of big head red gerbera daisies , peach calla lilies and eucalyptus. -
This flower arrangement is a mixture of green anthurium, pink floyd roses, eucalyptus, purple statice, light pink sprayroses and matricaria. -
Halloween Pumpkin
This flower arrangemebt is a mixture of mixed hydrenghea,eucalyptus, sprayroses and inex, all inside a real pumpkin. -
La Vie En Rose
This bouquet is a mixture of twenty big headed kahala and twenty light pink roses. -
Love in Pink
This flower wrap is a mixture of light pink gerbera daisies, gypsophila and eucalyptus. -
Peach Perfect
This flower bouquet is a mixture of ivory roses, peach calla lilies, peach gerbera daisies and eucalyptus. -
This is a unique flower arrangement of green anthurium, pink spray-roses, white rose, white statice and pink lisianthus. It comes…